For more information on ASMI’s campaigns to promote Alaskan seafood, please contact the Southern Europe office, located in Barcelona, Spain, to request media information or artwork.
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute Regional Representative
C/ Borrell 7 – Local 19 08190 St. Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona) Spain
Tel:+34 93 589 8547<br /> Fax:+34 93 589 7051
E-mail: [email protected]<br /> Web:
Alaska Snow Crab is unique for its delicate flavor, snow-white meat and tender texture which projects an image of simple elegance.
It has a sweet and delicate flavor, a tender texture and a snowy white meat.
Naturally low in fat and calories and a high source of protein.
Average weight is 1 to 3 pounds, generally marketed as clusters but also available in cocktail claws and whole legs.
Trawling. – Pot Fishing
Available frozen year-round
Extremely versatile for use in a variety of different recipes. Pre-cooked, so it is ready to eat. To warm, just steam, sauté, broil, grill or for 4 minutes to get heat through. It can be served with butter or with different types of sauces.