For more information on ASMI’s campaigns to promote Alaskan seafood, please contact the Southern Europe office, located in Barcelona, Spain, to request media information or artwork.
Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute Regional Representative
C/ Borrell 7 – Local 19 08190 St. Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona) Spain
Tel:+34 93 589 8547<br /> Fax:+34 93 589 7051
E-mail: [email protected]<br /> Web:
Coho Salmon is the Alaskan salmon most similar in appearance to the Atlantic salted salmon.
Coho Salmon is the most popular of the wild salmon among smokers in Europe. Its medium size and the appealing color of its meat also make it very popular with restaurateurs.
Coho Salmon tends to have a metallic blue tint on the back and upper sides. A few black spots appear on the back and upper lobe of its tail. Its caudal peduncle is extremely wide compared to other Pacific species, and it has a silver plaque visible on its tail. When this species of salmon has reached sexual maturity, it has a slight pink hue on its belly; and males have a slight sag on their back. When mature is has a red tone of skin with a darker back. Females may be darker than males, and specimens from both sexes have a pronounced hook on the snout.
Coho Salmon is the main axis of the trolling industry in Alaska; however, most of this variety is obtained through net fishing.