
For more information on ASMI’s campaigns to promote Alaskan seafood, please contact the Southern Europe office, located in Barcelona, Spain, to request media information or artwork.

David McClellan

Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute Regional Representative

C/ Borrell 7 – Local 19 08190 St. Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona) Spain

Tel:+34 93 589 8547<br /> Fax:+34 93 589 7051

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Salmao Selvagem Do Alasca Em Civet Com Cogumelos E Cebolinhas

Civet of Alaska Wild Salmon with Wild Mushrooms and Spring Onion

Salmao Selvagem Do Alasca Em Civet Com Cogumelos E Cebolinhas

Civet of Alaska Wild Salmon with Wild Mushrooms and Spring Onion

Course Main Course
Alaska Product Alaska Wild Salmon
Servings 4


  • 1600 g Supreme of King Wild Salmon
  • 48 Baby Dutch onions
  • 2240 g Mixed wild mushrooms chanterelle,shitake, horn of plenty
  • 4 ml Sunflower oil
  • 12 Whole garlic cloves
  • 4 Bay leaf
  • 500 ml Rich beef stock
  • 800 ml Full-bodied red wine
  • 200 g Butter
  • salt


  • Slice the wild salmon into 50 g escalopes and season.
  • Blanch the onions, peel and make a confit in the oven at 120º.
  • Clean the mushrooms in plenty of running water, quarter, blanch in boiling water, drain and make a confit in the same oil as the onions, seasoned with the bay leaf and garlic, for 30 minutes in the oven at 120º.
  • Reduce the wine to a quarter, add the beef stock, bring to the boil and thicken with the butter. Cut this civet stock with the oil from the confit (2 parts stock – 1 part confit oil).
  • Sear the salmon on the griddle, bring the sauce to the boil with the mushrooms and onions and nap the wild salmon once plated.
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